Mittwoch, 19. August 2015

Kulin Ban provided a safe heaven for Patarenes in Bosnia

According to the ´Treatise on heretics´ by the Dominican priest Anselmo of Alexandria (1260/1270) the roots of medieval dualism derive from the Persian Mani (216-277). In Bosnia this teaching appears by the end of the 12th century.

Pope Innocent III, in October 1200 wrote to the Hungarian King Emerich that the Bosnian ruler Kulin 
"provided a safe heaven and protection to a small number of Patharens who were expelled from Split and Trogir by the Archbishop of Split".

Two years later, the same Pope writes
"in the lands of Kulin Ban, there are alot of certain men who have been seriously suspected and very much notorious for their condemned Cathar heresy".

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