Mittwoch, 16. September 2015

Dragons in Bosnian Tradition & Mythology

Rahid Esmerovic - Dragons in Bosnian Tradition & Mythology

Zmajevi u Bosanskoj Tradiciji i Mitologiji

 Drachen in der bosnischen Tradition und Mythologie

Among the Bosnian folk there are numerous beliefs and legends about snakes (dragon) as a confirmation how much this animal represents a totem to our ancestors, it had a dominant role in the spiritual consciousness of the Bosnian folk throughout history.

The beginning of this tradition should be sought in the forefathers of the Bosnians, the ancient Illyrians who saw the snake i.e. dragon as a central animal of their national and also religious cult. In favour of this the ethnological records can be found among the Bosnians living in Montenegro and Albanians on Kosovo and Albania, lands that once made up the vast Illyrian empire.

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